The Blackstone River Valley offers a variety of recreational opportunities. Below is a sampling (Click on the + button to expand any of the listings below to get more information):
On the Water
There are many opportunities to get on the water in the Blackstone River Watershed. The Blackstone, Quinsigamond, Mumford, West and Mill Rivers in Massachusetts all provide navigable stretches for canoes and kayaks.
National Park Service suggested paddling tours on the Blackstone River
Recreation Guide to the Quinsigamond River
ExploreRI: Information on river access, portages and dams
Blackstone Valley Paddle Club
Blackstone River Valley Greenway Challenge
Blackstone Valley Explorer Tours

On Foot
There are many places to hike or walk in the Blackstone River Watershed. Here are a selection:
MA Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) parks in the watershed
West Hill Dam and Park
Mass Audubon Preserves
Waters Farm
Grafton Land Trust

On a Bicycle
The Blackstone River Greenway, when complete, will provide a 48-mile bicycle trail from Worcester to Providence with connections to other existing or proposed trails including the East Bay Trail (Providence, RI to Bristol, RI) and the Southern New England Trunk Trail (Franklin, MA to CT state line in Douglas).
Blackstone River Greenway visit the Blackstone River Valley National heritage Corridor.